Machines & components

We offer extensive support and provide everything you need to make implementation and production with our world-leading technologies easy.

Easy implementation

Get ready for production

We provide extensive support to make implementation of our world-leading technologies easy and efficient. Our skilled team of global production experts secure smooth operations at all levels. We support with everything from assessment of your needs to profiling samples and start-up training. Partnering with us also means machines that are optimised for our technologies, access to our network of major machine producers, and a worldwide supply of components. All to ensure a streamlined production process with the high-quality results our technologies are known for.


Watch the video below to learn how we support you each step along the way.

machines and components


Välinge components and inserters for floor locking systems

The key to Välinge’s 5G Fold Down technologies is our flexible plastic insert, which snaps into place in the wedge groove as the panel is folded down. In addition to supplying the insert themselves, we can equip you with an inserter that fits easily into your existing line set-up. Our flooring experts also help you select the optimal components and insert size for your specific products.


Grooving unit for lighter weight, more sustainable resilient floors

Välinge’s Liteback technology enables a wide range of supply chain benefits thanks to small grooves in each panel. These are created by installing a Välinge grooving unit into your production line. Learn more about how this equipment works, and how we can help you get started.