

Videos, pictures and installation instructions

Find manuals, logo, pictures and much more. We offer our partners a range of resources to help you support your customers and answer their questions. If you need help regarding which Material belongs to a particular product, please contact us.

Licensees and distributors of licensed products are welcome to use our texts, pictures and videos (the “Material”) when developing your marketing for the licensed products. This right is limited to and only applies as long as you are a licensee to Välinge Innovation AB or a distributor of licensed products. No changes shall be made in the Material without prior written permission from Välinge Innovation AB. Material downloaded from the digital archive may be stored, but not for a different purpose or for a longer time than is necessary for the agreed use. The Material is protected under copyright law. Välinge Innovation AB shall be identified as the original producer when using the Material in any context. When publishing a photo, the photographer’s name must, where applicable, also be included. Välinge Innovation AB is under no circumstances responsible for direct, indirect or consequential damage arising from the use of the Material.

Floor Locking Technologies

Surface Technologies

Panel Technologies