Installation is a breeze

Our installation systems are known all over the world for being the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to install flooring. Let us show you what it can do for your products.

5G Fold down

Fold down installation

5G is the Välinge brand for the globally recognized fold down installation system used by more than 100 floor producers around the world. It provides the most effortless installation on the market without the need of glue, nails or any other time-consuming maneuvers. 5G is based on a single action installation method suitable for all types and widths of floor products. It’s fair to say that this really is the first locking system that truly makes floor installations fast, easy and enjoyable for everyone – professional or DIY.

When launched, 5G was an instant success and to meet market demand, we have evolved the solution even further – without losing any of the sought-after advantages. This has led to outstanding innovations within our 5G portfolio and it’s now possible to get everything from waterproof seams and reliable pattern installation, to flooring that creatively climb up the walls. All with the same installation-friendly system.

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How it works

Click into place

When a panel is folded down, a flexible 5G insert is pushed into an insert groove. As the panel reaches its final position, the 5G insert snaps out into a wedge groove, emits a “click-sound” and perfectly locks the product, both vertically and horizontally.

Flexible patterns

Fast and easy installation

Do you prefer flooring in a herringbone pattern, square baskets, parallel rows, stone pattern or in straight sets of squares? Our profiles for pattern installation feature short side locking systems that are compatible with the locking system on the long side, thereby providing flexibility to the installation.

In contrast to the standard 5G installation system, the system for pattern installation features a locking insert placed on the long side of the panel. This enables fast and easy installation of different floor patterns.


Easy panel removal

Now it’s also possible to easily remove individual panels without removing an entire row. The new 5G profile and the specifically designed dismantling pin make it possible to push the 5G insert back into the groove and unlock the panels.

PRO performance

Upgrade to 5G PRO

Upgrade 5G Fold Down to 5G PRO and get increased locking strength and improved product lifespan. Available for all resilient products. Read more about it here!

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5G Our way to install flooring
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5G Fold Down for laminate flooring
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5G Herringbone for resilient flooring
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5G Fold Down dismantling for wood flooring
Contact us for more information

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Innovative floor locking technologies